Shall we take ourselves seriously?
(performance from You can't do that on stage anymore, vol. 5)
Uhhh, Mike Scheller says his life is a mess
Fritz Rau says asparagus
Should only be consumed
By people with a larger mouth
Shall we take ourselves seriously?
Shall we talk about it all night long?
Shall we think we are so evolved?
Will we be depressed If were wrong?
Shall we take ourselves seriously?
Shall we take ourselves elsewhere?
Shall we drink while we squat there
In the middle of this stupid song?
Shall we never go out there?
Shall we take us where we dont belong
When we notice that the spargel is gone?
Shall we weep in the box office dawn
Oh go away Im no good for you
Are the tickets all counted?
Are the costs all accounted for?
Shall we bring up the spargel
For discussion at least once more?
Shall we take ourselves seriously?
Shall we think we are so mature?
Shall we be very wrong
At the end of this song?
If we will ever (???)