The name of this song is Penguin in Bondage and it's a song that deals with the possible variations on a basic theme which is . . .well, you understand what a basic theme is . . . and then the variations include maneuvers that might be executed with the aid of extra-terrestrial gratification and devices which might or might not be supplied in a local department store or perhaps a drugstore but at very least in one of those fancy new shops that they advertise in the back-pages of the Free Press.
This song suggests to the suggestible listener that the ordinary
procedure ah, that I am circumlocuting at his present time in order to
get this text on television, Is that if you wanna do something other than
what you
thought you were gonna do when you first took your clothes off and
you just happened to have some DEVICES around . . . then it's not only
okay to get into the PARAPHERNALIA of it all but . . .
She's just like a penguin in Bondage, boy
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh...
Way over on the wet side
Of the bed (Knirps for moisture)
Just like the mighty Penguin
Flappin' her eight ounce wings
Lord, you know it's all over
If she comes atcha on the strut & wrap `em
all around yer head
Flappin her eight ounce wings, flappin 'em
She's just like a Penguin in Bondage, boy
Shake up the pale-dry ginger ale
Tremblin' like a Penguin
When the batteries fail
Lord, you must be havin' her jumpin' through a hoop of real fire
With some Kleenex wrapped around a coat-hang wire
She's just like a Penguin in Bondage, boy
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh...
Howlin' over to some
Antarcticulated moon
In the frostbite nite
With her flaps gone white
Shriekin' as she spot the hoop across the room
Lord, you know it must be a Penguin bound down
When you hear that terrible screamin' and
there ain't no other
Birds around
She's just like a Penguin in Bondage, boy
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh...
She's just like a Penguin in Bondage, boy
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh...
Aw, you must be careful
Not to leave her straps
`Cause she just might box yer dog
She just might box yer doggie
An' leave you a dried-up dog biscuit...